Jamie Black

(no subject)

So, music festival was fine. Blues were ok, later music was better, but not so Bluesy.
Crowd was friendly, small, older. Beer was tasty, cheap. I had Black Butte Porter, which is high on my list of alternatives when Guinness isn't available.

Had some BBQ pork, ribs, beans and coleslaw. Mmm.

It was hot. Didn't feel too bad in the shade at the park. (I'd walked down, anticipating beer.)
However, when I left, I was fine until I left the shade. It was maybe a minute in that sun and I found a tree, called the hotel shuttle to come get me. Found out later it was 100 degrees out there. Couldn't tell in the shade except the bottle of cold water I bought was more than lukewarm before I finished it.

At least the soup was done.

Remember me talking baout how there'll be music next weekend, and I'll be leaving?
There's like, FOUR major music events on Saturday, including a free music fest in the park behind the hotel. Last year they had 70,000 people attend. The stage has been moved to almost right behind the hotel. This year has lots of headliners, including Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. In other events; Katy Perry (so what?) Steve Martin playing banjo!, and another bunch of people I've never heard of. All on Saturday.

Guess what day I'm planning on flying out of here? Hehehehe. It's almost tempting to use points and stay a night to see the concert, but I'd really rather be home.
Jamie Black

(no subject)

As mentioned last night, today is soup day.
I'm making potato soup or as I called it in the memo for the potuck, Willamette Chowder.

I'm making about half again as much as normal, and I have a bag of fresh basil to chop up and throw in. Mmm.

Too bad I can't eat this stuff anymore. :(

Later today there is apparently a blues festival at the park. Not the one next door, of course- No, I get to walk about a mile or so. Still, good music and shade. Plus I have three cans of food I can donate, so I get to do that.

I thought briefly about taking the soup to the park, and offering it up for free, with a donations can, and turning the whole mess over to the food bank. The potluck people would just shit.
But there's the whole 'coordinating with the festival, finding a place to set up, keep it hot, serving bowls and utensils, health inspectors' business to deal with, so no. Not happening today.
Jamie Black

(no subject)

It always seems to be the weekend when I post. I don't know why I bother, since almost everybody seems to have lives and don't check their LJ until Monday, but that's how it works out.

It's not like I don't have things going on as well though. Tomorrow is potato soup day, so I'll be making that all day for a potluck at work on Weds. (The lucky bastiches. They probably won't even appreciate it.)

And I'll have laundry to do, and things. It looks like I'll be going home soon. There's a festival in the park (a couple, actually) next weekend, so, if my luck holds true, I'll be leaving for home that Saturday morning. :) Otherwise, I'll go home the weekend after.

3 weeks at home. All I really want is to spend some time with ms_issicran before heading out again. (The problem is, the more time I take off, the farther away retirement is. And it's not like I get to live my life in the meantime. Yes, I'm getting tired of the job.)

I know that when I go out again, I'm going to regret not getting more things accomplished while I was home, but it's become the standard routine now. Go home, do just enough to keep the place from falling apart while I'm gone, then go out for another 2-3 months. It's impossible to get relaxed anough to start or finish any projects, or read any books, or do any of the things one might want to do at home.

There are times I think just living without a home would be the best thing. Sell all the belongings, work all the time, live in hotel rooms, and when I'm not working, live in a room with ms_issicran while SHE works. But I know how rotten hotel room living actually is, and it doesn't matter how nice the room is, whether or not you have a kitchen- you don't have your stuff. You don't have your own cookware, or your books, or your tools or toys or anything. Because all that has to be packed into bags to be carried on planes. As nice as it might be to be untethered by Stuff, it's what makes places Home. So, soon I get to go home to visit my stuff. (Having ms_issicran there is just a really nice bonus.)
That's Awesome!

(no subject)

Also, first peeks at Oin, Gloin, Dori, Nori and Ori, and Fili and Kili.

More to come as they are released, I'm sure.

Surprisingly, I'm ok with most of the representations. Oin and Gloin especially. I mean, Gloin definitely has a familial resemblance to his son. On the other hand, I think Nori (I'm guessing it's him, anyway,) bears a striking resemblance to that guy from the MC Hammer concerts, with the triangular hairstyle goin on. (Tried to find a picture, but no luck. Google has failed me.) Hard to take that very seriously. Fili and Kili look like they might have a little woodland critter in their blood.
I am liking the wide variety of weapons- Including a bow and arrows! Not the most appropriate choice, but the rest work very well.

Overall though, I think they fit their names, and my mental imagery pretty well. Can't wait for the rest.

(no subject)

Also...Whatever is Nancy Grace going to do NOW??? \O/
The Caylee Anthony story is the only story she's told for the last THREE FUCKING YEARS!
I mean, every time I turn the TV on, HLN has more on this story. The whole station is going to have to go away!

Even OJ didn't get this much airtime.

Just wait. Some Grace-head is going to ambush and kill Casey (Is that her name?) because they think she deserves to die and Grace will have another couple years of stories to tell.

I think it's funny that the name of the station is HeadLine News and they only have one story.
South Park

(no subject)

So, I didn't actually make it to the park. I sat outside the hotel and watched the fireworks.
And, of course, even though it was Tuesday today, it had to be Monday for me. My laptop hard disk at work crashed this morning, first thing. Naturally I didn't have my work backed up, so about half of a month's worth of work is gone. (Yes, yes, I know better. You don't need to tell me.)

Now my back aches, I had a headache most of the day, and I'm just hoping tomorrow goes better than today.

On the plus side- I have a kitchen in my hotel room! W00t! I made a decent dinner for me.
Jamie Black

(no subject)

It's a day for walkin in the park, I think.
Chalk art, nice weather, music tonight starting at 5ish, and fireworky stuff at 10:15.

But first, a nap. Wait, what? Screw that! I wanna d something! I'm just gonna.. hrm.. I have a whole day of activities to.. *yawn*
Maybe I could..just for a few minutes...
